Interested in adopting, fostering or volunteering?
Please notify the local state affiliate contact where you reside since adoption and rescue efforts are coordinated locally. Also, not all dogs are listed on a rescue’s website for public viewing and additional local dogs may be available to you.
Need to notify us about a malamute in a shelter or in need of a new home?
Please send your message only to the state in which the dog is located. Our affiliate contacts are active and you will receive a reply. Sending messages to more than one contact on the affiliate list causes duplication of effort and may delay assistance. Some helpful information to include when contacting an affiliate is:
- Exact location of the animal, along with phone #, e-mail, contact name (ie, City/State/County and shelter name)
- Gender
- Approximate age
- Digital photo(s)
- Known behavior, temperament, history
AMAL National Rescue Information
Mailing address for AMAL: |
P.O. Box 7161, Golden, CO 80403 |
E-Mail address for AMAL: |
contact AMAL
Please Note: In your e-mail, please include your full name, city/state and digital photos of the Mal, if appropriate. |
Official Web Site address: |
AMAL Affiliated Rescue Listings
Washington Alaskan Malamute Adoption League (WAMAL) |
http://wamal.com/ |
Contact Email: board [at] wamal.com |
Contact Tel: (425)610-MALS |
Postal Mail: WAMAL c/o Kelcy Charlson, PO Box 75538, Seattle, WA 98175 |
SnowKissed Alaskan Malamute Rescue of South Dakota |
Lise Tesch: k9wolfwoman [at] yahoo.com |
Tel: (605)209-4927 |
Will provide networking services for rescue |
Washington Alaskan Malamute Adoption League (WAMAL) |
http://wamal.com/ |
Contact Email: board [at] wamal.com |
Contact Tel: (425)610-MALS |
Postal Mail: WAMAL c/o Kelcy Charlson, PO Box 75538, Seattle, WA 98175 |